
#3 COVID: One year on




Not the real thing, of course, but rather a pandemic of stories about anarchists and conspiracies and such.


I'm far too wimpy to go rock climbing.

3.take hold

The economic recovery is just beginning to take hold now.

4.kick in 

Another plan would require employers to kick in $20 per worker to set up the fund.


The suggestion is sheer nonsense.


For the last 20 years researchers have been able to calculate genome sizes and mutation rates.

7.lock down

  • England is being locked down for a third time.
  • The heartbeat was feeble and irregular.



Name of the podcast: Mr. Reader  Link to the podcast:   https://player.soundon.fm/p/925882c7-b4d3-4f5c-9a5a-e7ae721f9c67 Why you recommend this podcast. Because TOEIC Listening has British accent , I can use this podcast to improve my listening, and also learn British culture. What is the podcast about? The podcast talk about British culture. It has many topic to choose.  
  #4  My thought on the talk: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator 1. Do you procrastinate sometimes? I think I'm a procrastinator, but not too  serious. When I have school homework, I usually do it  two days  before deadline. So I do it in a hurry, and it lead to bad result. 2. What are some of the things you procrastinate on? Many things, For example homework, presentation, or housework.  3. What are strategies you can use to combat procrastination? I think I can record what I need to do in my  calendar, in this way, maybe I can supervise myself.
                                                      Hi, this is Corina. I graduated from the department of finance of NTUB, and now, I still majored in finance of NTUB.   When I have free time, I like to hang out with my friends, or play guitar.    I think I'm a friendly person.   I have a part-time job. I teach children to play guitar. This is also my interest.    Thank you to visit my blog.